waist issue 3. by anyonegirl.

waist issue 3. by anyonegirl.
WAIST is created lovingly at home in Titirangi, New Zealand, by Yasmine Ganley.
“ The WAIST publication was realized for a few reasons. I was beginning to feel bored of the kind of messages female magazines were pitching to their audiences. It felt stale and lazy, and just full of negativity. I wanted to give something to women that made them feel good about themselves and for them to know that there were other women all feeling the same way, and say, “Look: here we are all talking about it!” I wanted to open conversations up about intuition and instinct in a way that was visually appealing and thoughtful. I also wanted to give the kind of content I was sharing on anyonegirl.com an elevated platform, as a way of honouring the creatives and contributors that submit and create work. I think it's important that there are platforms devoid of commercial agenda.” - Yasmine
Photo of Yasmine Ganley by Greta van der Star (for Anaak)
WAIST considers the ideas surrounding the female mid-section, both inside and out, exploring sex, movement, digestion and a woman’s GUT INSTINCT.
A visual love letter to the female creative community surrounding anyonegirl.com, WAIST includes commissioned works by Ophelia Mikkelson, Kayten Schmidt, Shana Chandra, Greta van der Star, Zsuzsanna Toth, Lucia Zolea and Su Wu.
WAIST is anyonegirl.com’s print project created by Yasmine Ganley and designed by Natasha Mead.
Size: 265mm H x 200mm
Pages: 110pp
Interior: Black & White + Blue
Binding: Section Sewn, Linen Tape Spine