annika hein

I’ve been making things in different mediums as a response to my environment since I was about three and the element of recording and keeping a personal archive has always been really important to me; I gain a lot of inspiration from revisiting these memories, understanding and interpreting them as past but vital versions of myself.

laura brading

Books are a life force to me. They do all the things they promise like offer solace and calm and entertainment, make me more interested and interesting (I hope). But the thing I love most about them, that brings me back to them every day, is their capacity to reveal mysterious connections. Between ideas, feelings, people, places, experiences. Connections that create layers of meaning to my life that would otherwise not be there. They are magic!

yahna fookes

My sun is in Virgo with my moon in Cancer which is very fitting because I am very emotional and sensitive but also love to do and find joy in serving others. I take pride in daily routines and rituals and grounding activities. I am obsessed with food, my family, home time, vino, film, design, fashion and women but my biggest obsession is my daughter Sunday.

chloé stückelschweiger

One of the core values of Essence of Victory is also accessibility. I’m working on a concept for more vulnerable people who don’t necessarily have the financial resources and mental capacities to dedicate themselves to self-development because of their current life experience. I truly believe yoga and meditation can be great tools to find strength and willpower in the adversity in order to rise again.

comfort food : sophie jane kirk

It may sound simple, but I often find the most inspiration in moments of calm and stillness. When I am immersed in nature, observing the light coming through a window or listening to gentle music, often classical or jazz. As I mentioned, I’m a very sensitive person and have lived an unsteady and somewhat turbulent life moving a lot, so I truly relish in moments of peace. It allows my body to enter into a state of deep rest..

comfort food : emma ranne

Emma Ranne is an all round creative from Helsinki, Finland. She is the woman behind @nordicsunbeams instagram - sharing picturesque plant based recipes. Along with her partner she also runs ‘Helsinki Supper Club‘ an invitation for strangers to wine and dine in her home over beautiful home cooked meals - a way to make connections with community and new friends.

bailey meredith & anna fahey

BAINA is an Antipodean brand of curated towelling founded by Bailey Meredith and Anna Fahey. Their contemporary, organic cotton towels celebrate the daily bathing ritual, softening into the moments that begin and end the day.

comfort food : clementine day

Clementine Day is a self taught, home cook that runs Some Things I Like to Cook, an evolving project that draws a meaningful connection between food, people and play. Interested in exploring the emotional relationship between the heart and the belly, and the human connections that are formed over food. Clementine works on collaborative, creative food projects with friends and creatives across Melbourne.

gabrielle nancarrow

As a girl I thought my grandmother was the most beautiful woman in the world. My grandparents lived on a farm where we spent most weekends of my childhood and I loved to just sit and watch her move and laugh and talk.

manisha anjali

Imagination and Love is at the heart of my creative practice. I create because I want to have intimacy with the whole world. Many of my works come straight from dreams. There are often elements of play, ritual and improvisation. The process feels like going away on an inward journey, then sharing my findings with the world.

rachel charge

Fertility is something my partner and I struggled with for a long time and this journey has played a huge role as muse in my work. Self-expression through my ceramics has helped me find my voice and allowed me to be able to better process and really embrace the journey.

vaughne geary

As a Doula, I hold space for birthing people and their partners to feel into all aspects of their journey to parenthood. I offer evidence based education in a safe and non-judgemental environment for my clients to ask all the questions, voice all of the fears and celebrate all of their excitement and growing confidence.

jacqui thompson

My life is a big mix of both yin and yang. I work part-time in a corporate role within the emergency services sector, and am also the Founder of Subtle Self – an offering at the intersection of holistic counselling (talk based therapy) and energetic medicine. I’m 31 years of age, a Taurus through and through

holly terry

To feel most grounded, pranayama breathwork is definitely key for me. I use it to cool my overactive nervous system most days. I definitely know it when I don’t practice. A staple for me is sama-vritti breathing, Sanskrit for ‘same-same’, or ‘equal breath’.

mariana raltcheva

Growing up in Bulgaria was lovely. My grandparents cared for me a lot and we spent most of our time on their small farm. I have amazing memories from my early childhood; they were very self-sufficient and were always working on something exciting


Over the years I was open to trying many alternative therapies to ease my anxiety – what works for me is counselling and hypnotherapy (when I need it), meditation/yoga, essential oils, herbs and reflexology – which is why I created Shikoba Therapies.

margo reed

We wanted to create an experience that was so much more than just a bath, something that was beautiful on the shelf, on your skin, but also made you feel your best both inside and out. Baths are really a time for solitude so why not enhance this and go deep within.